Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hey asshole!

Just kidding! You're not really an asshole.  I just thought it would be funny to put that.  Probably just to me though.  I was going to make this my secret blog of thoughts, the corner of the internet where nobody finds me!  Probably talk shit to those that I hate.  That'll show them!  I just lost my trail of thought there.

This was suppose to be my art blog.  I never did get that scanner fixed.  Well this sucks!  See you in five years!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Remember that one song?

Pretty irrelevant title for this post. But I just wanted an excuse to say I broke up with my girlfriend. And it totally feels like shit.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Well would you look at that?

So today I figured "Hey, I'll go post on my livejournal, that place used to be neat" in an attempt to continue my tradition of posting there every year. However, I forgot my password. Now it's locked me out. Blah.

I suppose this place isn't half bad. Nobody can stalk my semi private thoughts... yet! But this is mostly me just not being able to sleep because... Uh I'm an idiot I guess. I was reading some of that stuff I've written over the past years. I'm pretty damn cynical, if only a little bit slightly funny.

For the most part, I'm still a lousy writer. Yeah... this place will do just fine.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The fact of the matter is...

Ok, I've been trying to get this new blog thing lift off the ground but dammit all! I still don't have my new computer and I can't scan any of the sketches I've been doing. Eh... not that I've been sketching a lot really. I should work on that... like right now! Also, I need to stop using ellipses.

On another topic, why am I watching Friends season 1? What's more important is, why did I watch season 8 first, then season 7, then season 1? There's too much crap going on in my brain and I wish there was somebody around here to hear my various witty remarks. I need to get a new girlfriend.

I had just re read what I had put down and good lord, what the hell have I been doing with my life lately!?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

You start here

Hey kids!

New blog/journal/log/thing that I pretend to sound cool or smart in that I've started. I don't know where to begin really. Umm. I'm awesome.